The County will use the responses from this survey to help guide its Environmental Justice (EJ) Element implementation priorities for 2025. The EJ Element was created to 1.) address public health risks and environmental justice concerns of those living in disadvantaged communities, and 2.) minimize and equalize the effects of environmental hazards throughout the entire community regardless of income, ethnicity or race.
For information on the County’s Environmental Justice Element, visit:
The EJ Element covers the following topics:
Civil Engagement
Civil Engagement is the creation of opportunities for all people to engage in decision-making regardless of race, color, national origin, or income. Policies include supporting an equitable approach to civic engagement and recognizing the expertise of professional archaeologists and California Native American Tribal representatives.
Crime Prevention
Crime and fear of crime create a more stressful community environment and discourage community access to public resources. EJ Element policies include incorporating Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) into county decision-making, limiting the concentration of land uses that contribute to more crime, supporting youth programs, and increasing job opportunities that lead to financial self-sufficiency.
Healthy Food Access
Healthy Food Access includes both food accessibility (the ability to obtain food) and food security (acquiring foods through socially acceptable ways). Policies include encouraging safe, convenient opportunities to access healthy food; supporting food education programs; and support training opportunities for food system employment.
Physical Activity
Physical Activity contributes to the physical and mental health of County residents and can be promoted by providing places that encourage exercise (such as parks). Policies include promoting physical activity programs; promoting walking, biking, and other active transportation modes; and providing accessible recreational facilities.
Promote Public Facilities
The term “Public Facilities” covers public services that include public infrastructure (such as sidewalks), school facilities, parks, and transportation and emergency services. Policies include the equitable distribution of public facilities and services as well as siting new civic buildings and County offices with preference given to locations in Environmental Justice Communities.
Reduce Pollution Exposure
Pollution exposure occurs when people are exposed to air, food, water, and soil contaminants. Sensitive populations (such as children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems) are the most susceptible to the negative effects of pollution exposure. Policies include creating a Climate Action Plan, protecting sensitive populations from exposure to air pollutants, and preventing water contamination.
Safe and Sanitary Homes
Housing conditions of older homes have direct health impacts on residents. Older housing units can pose health risks from lead, poor ventilation, and pest infestations. Policies include encouraging the rehabilitation and preservation of substandard homes, eliminating or reducing housing overcrowding, and constructing more affordable housing units to reduce the percentage of cost-burdened households.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following Environmental Justice topics is most important to you?