Diversity Survey 2024

1.What sort of organisation do you work for?
2.How many years have you been working in this or a related industry?
3.Within the last 5 years, in which (if any) of the following protected characteristics (or diversities) have you experienced any form of marginalisation and/or unfair treatment in work? Please select all of the diversities you feel you have personally experienced.
4.If you selected any of the diversities, or if you identify with any other diversities not mentioned in the previous question on which you experienced any form of marginalisation in your work environment, please provide more details here. If you would prefer not to, then please scroll down to the next question.
5.Still thinking about the range of protected characteristics, how diverse do you feel your organisation is as a whole?
6.And how diverse is your organisation at leadership level (still with the range of protected characteristics in mind)?
7.And how diverse is your organisation BELOW leadership level (still with the range of protected characteristics in mind)?
8.Is your organisation actively looking to increase diversity across the workforce?
9.Does your organisation have any diversity and/or inclusion initiatives in place?
10.If you have answered yes to the previous question, please describe your organisation's diversity initiatives (eg to improve diversity in recruitment or progression)
11.Thinking specifically about people with disability, neurodivergence and chronic conditions, how well is your organisation set up to attract and support them?
Please pick one answer
12.If you wish, you can provide more details about your answer to the previous question here.
13.What does your organisation do to celebrate diversity?
14.Have you ever felt held back (e.g. lack of career progression or not being listened to) by something other than your skills/ability/knowledge/experience?
15.If you have answered yes to the previous question, and you feel comfortable to do so please describe how you have felt held back by something other than your skills/ability/knowledge/experience? (eg one of the protected characteristics)
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered