Please complete the evaluation for today’s training session-your feedback is valuable to us and appreciated. Indicate how much you agree or disagree to the following statements by filling in the circle that reflects your answer.

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* 1. Please provide the following information:

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* 3. After attending this training, how confident are you that you can do the following?

  Very Confident Moderately Confident Neutral Slightly Confident Not at All Confident
Increased knowledge and awareness related to prescription drug and opioid abuse.
Find resources (disposal sites, naloxone, etc.) related to opioids.
Identify resources to connect patients with treatment resources.
Recognize an opioid overdose.
Safely use, store, and dispose prescription drugs.
Administer Naloxone.

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* 4. I feel confident I can administer Naloxone.

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* 5. I am informed and have the skills and knowledge to respond if needed.

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* 6. Is there any additional information you would like to gain following this training?

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* 7. Please provide additional feedback and comments below: