Lovin 2018 About You Question Title * 1. Are you Male Female OK Question Title * 2. Are you under 18 18-23 24-30 31-38 39-45 46-54 55+ OK Question Title * 3. Which best describes your highest level of education? School leaver Leaving cert Diploma Undergraduate Masters Doctorate/PDH OK Question Title * 4. Where are you living? Dublin Leinster (excluding Dublin) Munster Ulster Connaught OK Question Title * 5. Which option best describes your income? Not currently in employment <€20,000 €20,001 - 29,999 €30,000 - 39,999 €40,000 - 49,999 €50,000 - 64,999 €65,000+ OK Question Title * 6. Do you have a pet? (tick all that apply) No Yes - dog Yes - cat Yes - bird Yes - fish Yes - reptile Yes - horse Yes - other OK Question Title * 7. Do you own any wearable tech? (fitbit, Garmin etc) Yes No OK Question Title * 8. How would you describe your diet? Meat eater Vegetarian Vegan Pescatarian OK NEXT