Thank you in advance for completing this survey. The results will be used by the  Connectivity Business News  staff to further improve our content and industry coverage. Your responses will remain strictly confidential and only examined in aggregate with other respondents. 

* The first 50 respondents will each receive a $10 Starbucks gift card.

Question Title

* 1. Do you have a paid subscription to Connectivity Business News?

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* 2. How frequently do you visit

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* 3. Please rate how relevant each news category is to your personal and/or business interest.

  Least Relevant Somewhat Relevant Neutral Relevant Extremely Relevant
Space Services
Investment and M&A
Government & Defense
Strategy & Markets

Question Title

* 4. What additional topics and/or categories would you like to see covered in Connectivity Business News?

Question Title

* 5. How useful do you find the data and tools sections?

  Least Useful Somewhat Useful Neutral Useful Extremely Useful
BigCap Connectivity Stocks
Emerging Connectivity Stocks
Connectivity Satellite Database

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* 6. Which newsletters do you receive?

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* 7. Do you listen to our "The Dish" podcast?

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* 8. Please rate the"The Dish" podcast.

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* 9. Would you would recommend Connectivity Business News to a friend or colleague?

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* 10. Are you planning on attending our November 2023 "Connectivity Next Summit" in Atlanta?

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* 11. Which of the following best describes your seniority level?

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* 12. Which of the following best describes your company?

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* 13. Which other industry publications do you read or subscribe to? 

Question Title

* 14. How do you think the satcom industry, particularly startups, will be impacted by high interest rates for investors in 2024?

Question Title

* 15. Will the satcom industry see an increase in M&A activity in 2024?

Question Title

* 16. What impact will a trend of increasing volumes of satellite data have on satcom costs and consumption?

Question Title

* 17. Commercial space has generally enjoyed record investment for services and products in recent years. Do you expect this trend to continue?

Question Title

* 18. How would you rate your overall confidence in the satellite communications industry for 2024?