2025 CNEMT Request for Class Proposals

1.Your Name:
2.Email Address:
3.Phone Number:
4.Business Name (if applicable):
5.Business Email (if applicable):
6.Business Phone Number (if applicable):
7.Please select your areas of expertise below. (Check all that apply.)
8.What is the name of your proposed class?
(Note: If you have several classes, please use a new form for each.)
9.What is the name of your proposed class?
(Note: If you have several classes, please use a new form for each.)
10.Please enter a brief description of your proposed class below.
11.If available, please list the desired objectives/learning outcomes of the proposed class below.
12.Please indicate which of the areas below is covered in your proposed class. (Check all that apply.)
13.Please indicate the target audience / education level of the proposed class. (Check all that apply.)
14.Why are you interested in facilitating classes at CNM?
15.How long have you been working as an educator/facilitator?
16.Have you taught classes at CNM before?
17.Have you had any other type of professional relationship with CNM in the past?
18.Have you facilitated this class in Middle Tennessee before?
19.What is your preference for the class format?
20.If there is additional information about the proposed class that you would like to share, please do so below.