Review of the Booklyn Community Representative Group (BCRG) Question Title * 1. What year did you first attend a BCRG meeting? 2008 - 2013 2014 - 2019 2020 - 2024 Unsure Question Title * 2. Which of these best describe you? A community representative A Council representative An industry representative An EPA representative Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. BCRG holds 3 meetings a year. How many BCRG meetings have you attended in the last 2 years? None One Two Three Four Five Six Not sure Question Title * 4. In your opinion, what is working well with BCRG? Question Title * 5. In your opinion, what is not working well with BCRG? Question Title * 6. In your opinion, what suggestions for improvement should we consider? Question Title * 7. In your opinion, what have been the key achievements, highlights or changes since BCRG started? Question Title * 8. What other Community groups/forums do you attend/belong to that are tackling similar issues? Inner West Air Quality Network (Community Reference Group) Brooklyn Residents Action Group Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek Friends of Cruickshank Park Friends of Stony Creek Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 9. What are the specific benefits for you (or your organisation) in attending BCRG? Question Title * 10. What information on the BCRG website or Facebook page do you find most useful? The minutes of the BCRG meeting The agenda of the BCRG meeting Presentations given at BCRG meetings Notifications and alerts Background information on BCRG Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Is there any further information you would find useful? Question Title * 12. In thinking about the future, what key issues do you think require further attention and focus? Question Title * 13. Any other comments or suggestions you would like to make about BCRG? Done