District personnel are seeking input, thoughts and opinions of students, staff, parents and patrons regarding the current state of Aurora R-VIII facilities. Based on the 2020-2021 student population, classroom space in each building is sufficient to provide quality academic instruction. Maintenance, renovation and safety issues are current priorities to continue providing environments which are conducive for learning. In order to provide a finalized list, feedback from those groups previously mentioned is needed.
A facility committee consisting of approximately 20 members was assembled during the 2019-2020 school year to tour the buildings and make recommendations on items of need and renovations. During the December 2020 Board Meeting, a decision was made to place a no-tax increase bond issue on the April 2021 ballot. The current levy for Aurora R-VIII is $3.80. If the ballot initiative is approved, this amount will stay the same. Comparisons of tax rates for ten surrounding districts range from $3.46 to $4.62. Currently, Aurora R-VIII has the fourth lowest levy of these surrounding districts.
Items of need determined by the committee include more secure entryways for access control (Robinson School and Junior High), severe weather shelters, utility efficiency upgrades, water mitigation strategies, roofing improvements and interior/exterior renovations. Money saved from the completion of these projects, especially efficiency upgrades, is expected to be realized in future years.
Thank you for your participation in this effort. Whether you are in favor or against the issue, your input will assist in scheduling future projects for the district. Both Aurora R-VIII students and staff will benefit from any improvements made through this process.