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Socializing Survey 2024

The U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on the Epidemic of Isolation and Loneliness warned that social disconnection is a corrosive condition with grave consequences for the physical and mental health of our citizens and for the societal health of our communities.
The City of Pittsburgh’s Office of Nighttime is answering the call to mend the social fabric of our City. The Socializing Survey seeks to index metrics in neighborhoods Citywide to understand citizens’ socializing activities, locations and frequency, – and to identify infrastructure, safety and equity barriers that prevent Pittsburghers’ ability to connect with others and socialize in person.

Thank you,
City of Pittsburgh
Office of Nighttime Economy

Question Title

* 1. When socializing, which of the following activities do you engage in? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. In what locations do you meet with others to socialize? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. What neighborhoods do you most often visit to enjoy food, drink, music or events? (Check up to four neighborhoods)?

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* 6. Are there sufficient opportunities and spaces to socialize in the neighborhood where you live?

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* 7. What socializing opportunities would you like to see in your neighborhood that currently do not exist?

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* 8. This question is about how safe you feel when socializing at night.

  True False
I feel safe socializing in my own neighborhood at night
I feel safe socializing at night in another neighborhood (other than my own)
I do not feel safe socializing at night in any city neighborhoods

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* 9. What contributes to how safe or unsafe you feel going outside of your home to socialize at night?

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* 10. One thing that makes me feel safe at night is...

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* 11. One thing that makes me feel unsafe at night is...

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* 12. Rate how safe you would feel to socialize in each of the following locations.

  Safe Somewhat safe Not safe at all
My own home
Public space (Park, outdoor event)
Church/Community Center
A restaurant that serves alcohol
A restaurant that does not serve alcohol
A bar located close to home in my neighborhood
A bar in another part of the city

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* 13. What barriers prevent you from socializing in places outside your home? (check all that apply)

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* 14. How do you most often learn about socializing opportunities?

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* 15. Rank the transportation options you use to travel to/from places where you socialize at night. (Use the "up/down" arrows to move which options you'd be most likely to use to take to the top OR WRITE #'s on PAPER SURVEY)

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* 17. (optional) What is your race?

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* 19. E-Mail

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