CLEVER (Creating Legitimate Emission Factors for Verified GHG Emission Reductions in Transport) is a project funded from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement No. 101146908.

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The main goal of the project is to develop a comprehensive set of harmonised greenhouse gas (GHG) emission factors for the transport sector (freight and passenger), covering both conventional fuels and new fuels, including production pathways not yet covered by existing emission factor databases. CLEVER also aims to develop and test a harmonized, future-proof emission factor methodology framework that can be applied in the global transport and logistics sector to support accurate emission accounting, thus enabling informed decision-making, policies and standard formulation and overall sustainable practices in the sector.

This survey is intended to set a basis for the assessment of the current state-of-the-art regarding the emission factors and to help the identification of gaps and stakeholder needs. The survey aims to include all possible stakeholder groups that are involved in the value chain of the sector (from fuel producers to fuel consumers and related third parties) who apply or even develop emission factors. Target of the survey is to gather feedback from all relevant stakeholders creating a representative sample from the entire value chain. The survey builds upon an initial scoping survey conducted with the project’s Expert Forum. Please fill it in as soon as possible and no later than 30 September (updated).

In CLEVER, we distinguish some of the terms:
a) Emission factor (EF): The estimated average emission rate of a given pollutant for a given source, relative to unit(s) of activity.[1]
b) Transport mode(s): Refers to the way in which passengers and/or goods can be transported.[2]
c) Emission factor development methodology(ies): The approach followed for the formulation of emission factors used to link the emission of a GHG for a particular source to the amount of activity causing the emission.[3]
d) Emissions calculation methodology: The approach used to determine greenhouse gas emissions from each source category.[4]

Question Title

* 1. CLEVER Privacy Policy

The CLEVER project, involving partners such as PNO INNOVATION SL, SMART FREIGHT CENTRE, ALICE, IFEU, GREENROUTER SRL, EMISIA SA, MEO CARBON SOLUTIONS GMBH, ZN, and THREE O'CLOCK, aims to develop harmonised emission factors for the transport sector to support the Count Emissions EU initiative. We prioritize transparency in handling your data.

Please read our privacy policy and click "I consent" in case you have no objections.
If you select "I don't consent," the team will anonymize your answers and delete all sensitive data before processing this survey internally.

Contact Details
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) of CLEVER project can be reached at clever@emissionfactors.eu

Who Does This Apply To?
This Privacy Statement applies to anyone whose personal data is processed by the CLEVER project, including users of our repository, website visitors, newsletter recipients, event attendees, open call applicants, potential collaborators, and anyone who contacts us.

Data We Process
We process data you provide, data generated during your website visit, and data from other sources like social media, SurveyMonkey, and other associated sources. Data categories include:

Personal Data
Contact details and optional personal data provided via forms, business cards, and during events.

Interest Data
Opinions and knowledge on emission factors and methodologies.

Data from Other Sources
Data from public social media and websites.

Usage Data
Data collected automatically from website use, including IP addresses, browser type, and surfing behavior.

Use of Your Data
We use your data to:
  • Deliver and maintain CLEVER services.
  • Manage your account and requests.
  • Support outreach campaigns and send newsletters.
  • Manage applications to Open calls.
  • Improve services through data analysis.
  • Compliance and Security We comply with legal obligations and take measures to protect your data. Your data is stored in secure servers within the EU. We do not store your data longer than necessary and ensure it is securely disposed of once no longer needed.
Legal Basis of Processing
We process data based on your permission, legal obligations, agreements, or justified interests.

Data Sharing
We share your data with CLEVER partners and third-party service providers only when necessary. We do not sell your data and ensure it is treated securely.

Transfer Outside the EEA
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), personal data may only be passed on to parties outside the EEA when an appropriate level is guaranteed for the protection of personal data or when a specific deviation applies.
We may pass on personal data to a party outside the EEA only when necessary for the execution of the CLEVER activities.

Your Rights
You can request access, rectification, deletion, or restriction of your data. For all inquiries, contact us via email.

If you have complaints about how we handle your personal data, you can contact us by sending a mail to clever@emissionfactors.eu.
We are happy to help you find a solution within a period of four weeks after receiving your request. If that does not work, you can always contact the Spanish Data Protection Authority.

Developments go fast and as a result, there may also be changes in the personal data we request from you and the way in which we use your personal data. Regulations can also change. In that case, we will update this Privacy Statement. We, therefore, invite you to regularly check the Privacy Statement so that you are kept informed. In the event of major changes, we will also make you aware of this via our website.

Last Check by DPO: July 9

17% of survey complete.