HUMMUS BOWL SURVEY ~ CLOVER KENDALL SQUARE Thanks for hummus-ing with us! Question Title * 1. Which hummus bowl did you try? Oaxacan Zucchini Rainbow Carrot Chickpea Fritter Egg and Eggplant Kendall Market Bowl Question Title * 2. How would you rate the hummus bowl you just ate? Question Title * 3. We'd love to know your thoughts on what you ate. Leave your comments here, and please be honest. Is there anything you would change or do differently about it? Anything you loved? Ideas for us to improve? We want to hear it all. Question Title * 4. What is the likelihood that you would buy a hummus bowl at Clover again? Very Likely, I loved it, I would return to Clover specifically for it and would tell friends about it Somewhat Likely, I might get it if it was on the menu and I was already at Clover. Not likely, I would not return to Clover for this item or order it if I was at Clover. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How would you describe your eating habits? (not interested in allergies or specific items you don't eat, more interested in general habits) I only eat meat, nothing else I eat meat, vegetables, fruit, fish, dairy, grains, pretty much everything I eat meat, fish, etc., but not often, less than once/ day I don't ever eat red meat, but do eat fish, poultry I don't ever eat red meat or poultry, but do eat fish I don't ever eat red meat, poultry, or fish, but do eat dairy and eggs I'm vegan Question Title * 6. Please enter your email address. Page1 / 2 50% of survey complete. Next