African Biodanza Festival 2023 - Registration Form

1.Enter your Full Name
2.Enter you Full Names of people joining you
3.My Cell Number
4.My Email Address
5.Emergency Contact -Enter Full Names and contact details
6.I hereby confirm my registration from 15th-18th December 2023
7.I would like to book for the additional activities
8.LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By saying YES, I hereby acknowledge that I am attending the activity entirely at my own risk and do not hold Biodanza South Africa, Cradle Moon Lodge or any other parties responsible for any liability linked to such attendance.
9.COVID LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: Should I develop any Covid symptoms or other Illnesses prior to attendance, I will immediately inform the organiser via email If indicated I will provide a COVID test result and request a refund.  I accept that a full refund will only be given on providing such COVID test results and that the organiser is by no means obliged to give a full refund in the absence of such test results. Should I be exposed to someone who has COVID just prior to attendance, I agree to inform the organiser via email and to discuss if I should attend. The organiser is again not obliged to give a full refund and may give a smaller refund depending on circumstances.
10.CANCELLATION POLICY: Apart from circumstances  ABOVE of COVID, any cancellation 1 week before the 15 December 2023 will receive a 40% refund. Apart from circumstances ABOVE of COVID, any cancellation 2 days before the 15 December 2023 will receive NO refund.
Current Progress,
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