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* 1. Where do you reside?

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* 2. How many times have you attended the Carnivale including and since 2018?

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* 3. How satisfied are you with the current variety of events at the Port Douglas Carnivale?

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* 4. What do you think the main purpose of the Carnivale should be?

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* 5. What types of events would you like to see added to the Carnivale in the next five years?

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* 6. How important to you is it to include local first nations culture at Carnivale?

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* 7. How important to you is environmental sustainability in the planning of the Carnivale?

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* 8. What age groups should the Carnivale cater to in the future?

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* 9. How do you find out about Carnivale and its events? Tick all that apply.

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* 10. How much does the Carnivale add to the appeal of Port Douglas as a visitor destination?

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* 11. How likely are you to recommend the Carnivale to friends and family?

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* 12. How do you rate the quality of food and beverage options available at the Carnivale?

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* 13. Which of the signature Carnivale events needs the most improvement?

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* 14. How can the Carnivale better engage with the local community?

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* 15. What are the key elements that you believe make Carnivale unique?

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* 16. Do you believe the Carnivale positively impacts the local community? Please explain your answer.

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* 17. Are there any specific themes or historical aspects of Port Douglas you feel should be highlighted during the Carnivale?

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* 18. Would you be interested in volunteering or participating in the organisation and development of the Carnivale?

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* 19. If you answered yes to the question 19, please provide your best e-mail address and or contact number to get involved.