Behavioral Health in the Fire Service Course Evaluation

Please select the answers that best describe your experience.

1.The topic was well organized.
2.The depth of the topic coverage was excellent.
3.In general, the presenter was effective (e.g., knowledgeable, responsive, interesting, and used appropriate instructional techniques).
4.Overall the program was of high quality.
5.The PowerPoint and/or handouts were helpful.
6.Overall, I would recommend this training to others.
Please rate your knowledge on behavioral health before and after the training.
7.Before (1 no understanding, 5 expert)
8.After (1 no understanding, 5 expert)
Please write brief answers to the following questions.
9.Was there anything about the training that you particularly liked?
10.If you were responsible for the training, what would you do differently?
11.Do you have any additional comments?