Dear Valuable Trainee,

We would like to get you opinion and feedback for the last training you attended with us. Please read the instructions below and respond to as many questions as you can. Your feedback is so important for our course design and improvement.

Thank you for taking that time to share your comments and reactions to your learning experience.

Instructions: The statement below concern specific aspects of the Training/Course program. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with each statement and provide your comments where appropriate, using the following scale:
1- Strongly disagree
2- disagree
3- Neutral
4- Agree
5- Strongly Agree

Evaluation by Fax or e-mail: Kindly print a copy of this "Training/Course Evaluation Form" and send it by fax, or scan it and send it to

Question Title

* 1. ID

Question Title

* 2.
CONTENT: The presentation met my expectations , The outline was organized, The content was comprehensive, The program content was easy to follow, The program content was relevant to the topic, The presentation was interesting, The presentation was clear, The order of the program topics and activities was logical, The time of the presentation was adequate, The pace of the activity made it easy to follow, How do you rate the overall activity...

Question Title

* 3.
TRAINER/INSTRUCTOR: The trainer was knowledgeable, The trainer was well prepared, The trainer managed professionally the activity, The trainer presented the objectives clearly at the start of the training, The trainer encouraged class participation and interaction, The trainer was interested and addressed attendees concerns and Questions, The trainer’s voice was audible, The trainer’s approach for trainees was conductive for learning, The trainer maintained eye contact with participants, The trainer managed time effectively, The trainer was in control of session, The trainer used examples that are appropriate to the audience, The trainer kept the participants actively involved, The trainer was adaptive to the learning styles of the audience, The trainer helped me develop an action plan, How do you rate the overall performance of the trainer...

Question Title

* 4.
METHODOLOGY: The trainer initiated class discussion, The trainer used relevant exercises, readings and activities , The trainer used good training aids (PowerPoint, Videos …)

Question Title

* 5.
ENVIRONMENT: Location was appropriate, Ventilation was good, Setup and space were suitable, Space was noise free, Lighting was appropriate, Breaks were sufficient , Food and beverage were satisfactory, The Training and Development Dept clearly conveyed location and timing ahead of time location and timing ahead of time , The Training and Development Dept provided appropriate equipment...

Question Title

* 6.
KNOWLEDGE: My knowledge after this activity is better than my knowledge before the activity, I got exposed to a wide range of new information, It will be easy for me to review the content alone at a later time, I am able to convey the knowledge I have learned to other colleagues , I am satisfied with what I gained from this program, Examples and illustrations helped me understand the material...

Question Title

* 7.
IMPLEMENTATION: I will be able to apply the knowledge learned in my work, The training activity provided me with practical techniques to implement directly at work...

Question Title


Question Title

* 9. Please provide us with at least 3 of your friends/colleagues that would be interested in our training program and to whom you may recommend us.

Question Title

* 10. Further training interest: (if you or your friends/colleagues would like to know more about our training procedure, please check the appropriate box)