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* 1. What is your personality type? 

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* 2. What is your age range? 

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* 3. Rank these topics in order of which ones you'd most like to learn more about.

  1. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  2. Spiral Dynamics
  3. The Enneagram
  4. The MBTI Cognitive Functions

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* 4. Rank these things in order of how much you struggle with them. 

  1. Finding people I can connect deeply and authentically with. 
  2. Trusting myself to make the right decisions. 
  3. Understanding my life's purpose. 
  4. Taking action on my life's purpose. 
  5. Keeping myself healthy and balanced. 

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* 5. What are you doing in life when you feel the most authentically you? 

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* 6. Which of these areas do you feel like you could use some coaching in?

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* 7. If you could wake up one year from now having achieved one of these things, which one would make the biggest difference?

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* 8. What would you most like to learn about in a course for INFPs?

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* 9. Please leave your email if you'd like to be notified when the Soul Bootcamp for INFPs becomes available.