GPAC Community Survey Question Title * 1. How often do you visit our website? (Optional) Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Question Title * 2. What is the main purpose of your visits to our website? (Optional) Looking for a solution to a media challenge Looking for assistance from the GPAC community Looking for news Looking for documentation It's been my first visit Looking for support to implement GPAC Question Title * 3. Is there any information missing on our current website? Do you have any comments or suggestions? If so, please let us know. (Optional) Question Title * 4. Which category best describes you or your organization? (Required) Large-scale OTT Platforms / video streaming service Social media platform Telcos with Streaming Service Media Technology Company Content Delivery Networks (CDN) Broadcasting corporation Software as a Service (SaaS) / White-label Streaming Provider Investor Video Content Creator / Distributor Educational and Research Institution Professional Video Production Company / Content Producer Software Development Company Freelance / Independent Software Developer Non Media Company (eg, healthcare) Consortium/Industry Forum Startups/SMEs Other Question Title * 5. How large is your business or organization? (Required) Micro <10 headcount Small <50 headcount Medium <250 headcount Large >250 headcount Very large >1000 headcount Question Title * 6. What is your name? (Optional) Question Title * 7. Would you like to be added to our mailing list? If yes, please consent by providing your email address. (Optional) Question Title * 8. Would you like to introduce yourself and provide any additional comments? (Optional) Done