We are seeking nominees for ASB Elected Officers. Several positions are open for the the 2022 election cycle. Please take a moment to nominate a colleague (or yourself) that you believe will be able to commit their time and energy to ASB in the coming years.
If you want to know more about what it means to be an ASB officer or committee member, please contact us directly at, or contact one of our officers
Below you will find descriptions of each open position, along with text boxes in which to enter the name(s) of nominee(s). Please note that any nominee must agree to be considered before their name can be included on the electronic ballot for spring elections.

Question Title

* Tell us about yourself (optional)

Question Title

* Nominations for ASB Vice President (2022-2023)

From the ASB Bylaws:
A Vice President shall be elected annually. Neither the President nor the Vice President shall be eligible for reelection for the year following her/his term of office.

The Vice President shall serve a 1-year term and shall be the public relations officer of the Association. He/ she shall organize the program for the plenary of the Annual Meeting. In the absence of the President from any meeting, the Vice President shall discharge the duties of the office, and in the event that the President cannot complete her/his term of office, the Vice President shall become President of the Association.

In practice:
This individual is key to the daily business of ASB and is expected to have a solid understanding of how the association functions. Ideally, the person will have already served on the ASB Executive Committee to have gained that understanding. The VP position is an opportunity for both the individual and the association to determine interest in the position of presidency. This individual will be expected to be involved in weekly to biweekly conference calls throughout the academic year, and biweekly to monthly conference calls through the summer. Additionally, this individual will be expected to be involved in Executive Committee meetings on the first and last day of the annual ASB conference, as well as the annual Business Meeting that occurs during the conference. The Vice President will serve a one-year term.

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* Nominations for ASB President-Elect (2022-2023) to be followed by ASB Presidency (2023-2025) and ASB Past Presidency (2025-2027)

From the ASB Bylaws:
The President-Elect shall serve a 1-year term during which her/she will keep in close contact with the President and Past President and in effect study the Presidency. A President-Elect shall serve a 1-year term, then a 2-year term as President and a 2-year term as Past President.

The President shall be the executive officer of the Association and chair of the Corporation Board of Directors, for a 2-year term, and shall perform the duties usual to the office. He/she shall appoint, with the advice of the Executive Committee, regular committees, special committees authorized by the Executive Committee, and where appropriate, Association Representatives to other organizations. The President shall approve and sign the internal and external audits at the annual meeting. The President shall notify Emeritus members of their election. The President shall co-chair the Annual Meetings Arrangements Committee with either the President-Elect or with the Past-President.

The Past President shall serve a 2-year term, and in order to provide continuity in the governance of the Association, shall serve as advisor to the President on matters of past policy. He/She shall serve as Chair of the Resolutions Committee, Nominating Committee, and of the Past Presidents' Council.

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* Nominations for ASB Member-at-Large (2022-2025)

These individuals play vital roles in the daily business of ASB and will gain a solid understanding of how the association functions. These individuals will be expected to be involved in weekly to biweekly conference calls throughout the academic year, and biweekly to monthly conference calls through the summer. Additionally, these individuals will be expected to be involved in Executive Committee meetings on the first and last day of the annual ASB conference, as well as the annual Business Meeting that occurs during the conference. This position is an opportunity for the individual and the association to determine if future roles in ASB leadership would be a good fit. We have two, open Member-at-Large positions, each of which would serve a three-year term.