Thank you for attending one of the Community Meetings about the 2Districts8Towns Sustainability Study. To help us gain a better understanding of reactions to the models that were presented, we are asking those who attended one of the meetings (and other interested community members) to complete this survey. We appreciate your honest feedback, which will be taken into consideration by the Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional School Districts as the Sustainability Study proceeds.

If you did not attend one of the meetings, you may want to review the slides that were presented at the meetings prior to completing the survey.

CLICK HERE for slides.

Question Title

1. What town do you live in?

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2. Which model(s) do you believe show the most promise for maintaining and/or improving educational quality in the districts? (check all that apply - it's possible to implement more than one model together)

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3. Which model(s) do you believe show the most promise for ensuring fiscal sustainability for the districts and the 8 towns? (check all that apply - it's possible to implement more than one model together)

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4. Which model(s) do you believe are most likely to retain students in the district? (check all that apply -it's possible to implement more than one model together)

Question Title

5. Knowing that more information and research will be provided to the public in the coming months, what best describes your initial reaction to each program model?

  Definitely not in favor of this model Leaning against this model Would like to learn more before forming an opinion Leaning toward this model Definitely in favor of this model
Model 1 - no change
Model 2 - districts merge (no schools close)
Model 3 - move 6th grade from elementary schools to Mohawk Trail Regional School
Model 4a - Single elementary school (all school consolidate on one site)
Model 4b - Two elementary schools (three combine, one remains separate)
Model 4c - Three elementary schools (two combine, two remain separate)
Model 5 - single campus, all schools combine on a single PreK-12 campus at Mohawk Trail Regional School
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50% of survey complete.