Data and Outcome Improvement Survey Question Title * 1. Please enter the following information. First Name: Last Name: Title/Designation: Facility/Organization: Email Address: Question Title * 2. Is someone in your organization responsible for the implementation of pilot programs for outcome improvements? No Yes If yes, what is their title or role? Question Title * 3. Assume a medical device manufacturer approaches you about a program for outcome improvements. The program is designed to ensure the manufacturer and provider collaborate to achieve certain outcome improvements. The manufacturer agrees to bear some financial risk for achieving these outcome improvements. How interested are you in exploring the details of the program? Very Interested Somewhat Interested Undecided No Interest at the Moment Not Interested Very Interested Somewhat Interested Undecided No Interest at the Moment Not Interested Question Title * 4. What would make such a program more attractive from your perspective? (Choose as many as applicable.) The program is focused on outcome improvements within a certain area of care, such as the medical or general care floor, the ICU or the cardiovascular operating room. The program has specific patient inclusion criteria. The program involves a manageable number of quality indicators. Other: Question Title * 5. Please select the following statements that apply to your organization: It is problematic for my institution to retrieve and share data. My institution tracks protocol compliance. My organization makes outcome data publicly available. I would be interested in sharing patient and outcomes data that is not publicly available with industry partners for the development of a customized outcome guarantee program in my facility. Question Title * 6. If applicable, please provide examples of what outcomes data you are collecting. Question Title * 7. How does your organization view programs that include a product rebate structure? We are not involved in any and are not actively seeking any. We are not involved in any at the moment, but are open to them. We are involved in one or more and are happy with it. We are involved in one or more and are not pleased with the program. Question Title * 8. If an outcome improvements agreement interest you, what level of improvement would be meaningful enough to enter into an agreement (pick the minimal amount needed to get your attention): 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Question Title * 9. If an outcome improvements agreement interest you, what level of rebate would be meaningful enough to enter into an agreement (pick the minimal amount needed to get your attention): 25% 40% 50% 75% 100% Question Title * 10. Medtronic is developing a pilot program to evaluate and measure outcomes improvement in the ICU, Med/Surgical General Care Floor and the CVOR.The improved outcomes relate to the reduction of complications associated with: a. Respiratory Compromise/Respiratory Depression with patients on pain medication on the Genera l Care Floor and/or post Procedural Sedation (i.e. interventional radiology) b. Patients in the CVOR experiencing cerebral desaturation during high-risk cardiac surgery (i.e. prolonged cases, increased blood transfusions, improved MMOM and length of ICU stay)Are you interested in learning more details about this pilot program? Yes No Done