2023-2024 Rockingham County Safe Schools/Title I Survey

Thank you for your feedback to assist in our continued improvement efforts!  All responses are anonymous.
1.I am a student(s):
2.Education level of person completing survey:
4.Age of person completing survey:
5.I have children in: (check all that apply)
6.Name of the school(s) my child/children attend: (check all that apply)
7.There is an adult at school that my child feels safe talking to if there is a problem.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
8.All school staff and personnel are welcoming, friendly, and treat me with respect.
9.There is a plan in place for signing in and signing out students. 
10.The school notifies me when multiple tardies and absences have occurred.
11.The staff is diligent in making sure my child is safe at school.   
12.There are opportunities for me to be involved at my child’s school.  
13.There is good communication from the school regarding all activities, meetings and conferences.  
14.There is a sense of teamwork among teachers, parents, and students at this school.
15.The school offers information about how I can help my child learn at home.
16.I understand the test scores and grades my child receives.
17.School staff are willing to answer questions about what is taught and problem-solve about my child’s progress.  
18.There are challenges to participating in parent involvement/family engagement activities at my child’s school. 
19.I feel my child is making adequate progress in reading.
20.I feel my child is making adequate progress in math.
21.I feel that I must provide my child additional tutoring outside of school to be successful.
22.I expect my child to graduate from high school.
23.I expect my child to graduate from college or receive further education after high school.
24.It would benefit my child to participate in a career pathway plan with yearly reviews beginning in middle school to inform scheduling.
25.My child reads at home daily for at least 15 minutes.
26.My child attended preschool, daycare, or another early childhood program before kindergarten.
27.My child has access to the internet with a computer or other technology device at home.
28.My child’s teacher(s) notifies me in a timely manner with concerns about grades or behavior.
29.I have attended one or more parent involvement activities this year.
30.Someone from our family has attended at least one parent/teacher conference for my child this year.
31.I am aware of the Parent Resource Centers, their locations, and the services they provide.
32.Small group instruction and/or after school tutoring is offered when students are struggling. 
33.Overall, I believe my child is receiving a quality education at this school.  
34.My child has been repeatedly bullied this year at school. 
35.My child has been repeatedly bullied this year on the BUS. 
36.Answer ONLY IF you answered YES to 34 or 35: Did you notify school officials regarding the incident?
37.Answer ONLY IF you answered YES to 34 or 35: Did the school address the issue in a timely manner?
38.Are you aware that the school district website and individual school websites have a bullying platform "button" to report bullying incidents?
39.Please share the best thing about the 2023-2024 school year.
40.Please provide one suggestion for improvement:
41.If your student has missed more than ten days of school, please describe the obstacles and/or challenges that have contributed to your student’s absences.
42.Please enter any questions you may have for the school district that could be included in a FAQ document for the community.