A hurricane, a fire, a car accident, or a cancer diagnosis can be devastating. Tragically, for working families in New Jersey, any one of these can mean financial ruin. Even with health insurance and flood insurance, families are often forced into debt to rebuild their homes or seek the health care they need to recover. Instead of providing peace of mind during times of crisis, the insurance industry relies on co-pays, deductibles and fine print to protect their profits while families struggle to rebuild their lives. Even Federal flood insurance programs, run by private insurance companies, are failing homeowners recovering from Hurricane Sandy.

NJ Hedge Clippers is holding a community forum to unpack the tangled web of a profit-driven industry meant to provide a safety net for families in crisis.

This community forum will feature families trying to rebuild from Hurricane Sandy and health care workers trapped under mountains of medical debt. Noted author Les Leopold will also lead a discussion based on his book, "Runaway Inequality" and how economic systems, including the role of insurance companies, are designed to stack the deck against working families. Together we will discuss what we need to do to fight the debt trap and Wall Street's drive for profits.

Question Title

* 1. YES! I will attend the NJ Hedge Clipper Forum on September 22nd at 6:00 PM!