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Application Due EXTENSION: Feb 7, 2023

The Logan Center University Arts Engagement Office is committed to funding collaborative student-driven project across diverse artistic disciplines that the Logan Center can incubate and make possible.  As a multi-disciplinary home for the arts on campus, we aim to be a hub for the creative life of the University of Chicago campus and to be a partner, resource, and catalyst for our students to develop their projects.

This grant aims to incentivize collaborative projects between 2 or more students who are looking to explore ways their individual creative explorations can impact each others work and create something new. By providing intentional access to Logan Center spaces, staff, partners and expertise, we hope to make projects possible that can benefit from the unique resources that the Logan Center has to offer.

Please refer to THIS PAGE for criteria and guidelines before filling out the application to make sure your project is eligible. 

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* 1. Please list the name of the artist/student or collective applying for this grant.  List the names, emails, year and major of each individual

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* 2. If a collective, please include the names of the individual artists/students and history of past collaboration as a group.

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* 3. Please list the main contact for this application, including email, phone number and pronouns

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* 4. Your personal/group history as it relates to your relationship to the arts and your artistic influences.

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* 5. Describe the project in 500- 750 words

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* 6. In what way can the Logan Center aid the completion of this new work?

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* 7. In what way will the grant help contribute to innovation or experimentation?

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* 8. List any confirmed/potential partners on or off-campus

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* 9. Upload any applicable CVs/Resumes

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* 10. Upload a draft budget

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* 11. Upload any related images, media pertinent to the project

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