New York CLE Credit for Nontraditional Format Course

To obtain New York CLE credit, please complete and sign this form and then submit it to the CLE provider. Your participation must be verified by the provider.
Experienced New York attorneys (attorneys who have been admitted to the New York Bar for more than two years) may earn CLE credit through nontraditional formats. Newly admitted attorneys (attorneys who have been admitted to the New York Bar for two years or less) should confirm that the format is permissible for the category of credit. Format restrictions applicable to newly admitted attorneys appear here, as modified by the temporary measures taken by the CLE Board due to COVID noted here.

Question Title

* 1. Last Name

Question Title

* 2. First Name

Question Title

* 3. Office E-mail Address

Question Title

* 4. Course Title and Date

Question Title

* 5. Course Format

Question Title

* 6. During the course or program you will see and/or hear a CLE code. Please enter the code in the below field. If you do not include the code, you will not be awarded New York CLE credit.

Question Title

* 7. If there are multiple codes (for example, a separate code for each segment of a program) please enter here:

Question Title

* 8. I acknowledge receipt of the course materials for the program and I certify that I have listened to and/or viewed the above course in its entirety. Therefore, I request that I be awarded the applicable number of New York CLE credits for this course. [A permissible digital signature is "/s/ and your name."]

Question Title

* 9. Overall, how would you assess this training session?

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the following

  Excellent Good Fair Poor
Program Content
Quality of Instruction
Course Materials
Quality of Facility
Effectiveness of Technology

Question Title

* 11. Today’s training session was most helpful to you because:

Question Title

* 12. The course might have been more effective if:

Question Title

* 13. Any additional comments, including the quality of the presentation of each instructor by name:

To provide additional feedback and suggestions about this or any other career development area, please submit an anonymous response to the Professional Development Suggestion Box. Thank you!