Sticky Cotton Research Survey

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* 1. Were aphids difficult to manage in 2020?

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* 2. Were silver whitefly difficult to manage in 2020?

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* 3. IF they were difficult to manage, what do you think made aphid and/or whitefly hard to manage? (specify which pest for responses, select all that apply)

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* 4. What has been your best management approach for aphids?

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* 5. What has been your best management approach for whiteflies?

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* 6. Any best practices or practices that you know that affect efficacy?

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* 7. In the past, was Lorsban/chlorpyrifos a primary material you relied on for pest control after first open bolls?

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* 8. What chemical control approach would you use without access to Lorsban/chlorpyrifos?

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* 9. Have you considered or do you already apply cultural (disking) or chemical control measures on neighboring (non-cotton) fields that appear to be harboring problematic populations of whitefly?

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* 10. What have your observations been regarding the extent to which whitefly populations decline after your first harvest aid application (likely 1st Ginstar application)?