2021 Sticky Cotton & Insect Review Summit - Action Item Sticky Cotton Research Survey Question Title * 1. Were aphids difficult to manage in 2020? Yes, definitely Yes, sort of No Not sure Question Title * 2. Were silver whitefly difficult to manage in 2020? Yes, definitely Yes, sort of No Not sure Question Title * 3. IF they were difficult to manage, what do you think made aphid and/or whitefly hard to manage? (specify which pest for responses, select all that apply) Insecticide resistance Not sure how to best use materials Coverage Issues Sustained pressure Correct availability of active ingredients (materials you used to rely upon?) Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What has been your best management approach for aphids? Question Title * 5. What has been your best management approach for whiteflies? Question Title * 6. Any best practices or practices that you know that affect efficacy? Materials Rates Timing Ground vs Air Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. In the past, was Lorsban/chlorpyrifos a primary material you relied on for pest control after first open bolls? Yes (often) Yes (sometimes) No Question Title * 8. What chemical control approach would you use without access to Lorsban/chlorpyrifos? Question Title * 9. Have you considered or do you already apply cultural (disking) or chemical control measures on neighboring (non-cotton) fields that appear to be harboring problematic populations of whitefly? Yes, (What and Why) No, (What and Why) What and Why (please specify) Question Title * 10. What have your observations been regarding the extent to which whitefly populations decline after your first harvest aid application (likely 1st Ginstar application)? Populations decline rapidly in first 3-5 days Populations don’t decline much until noticeable leaf desiccation is seen in the upper plant canopy Populations don’t decline much until leaf desiccation is more advanced (few green, turgid leaves remaining) in most of canopy Not sure Other (please elaborate) Done