Welcome and thank you for your interest in applying for a place on the Autistic Doctors programme. Please fill out this survey to finish your registration application with Thriving Autistic. We will be in touch as soon as possible to let you know if your application has been successful.

Question Title

* 1. Your contact info:

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* 2. Your pronouns

Question Title

* 3. Would you like us to store your information for entry onto a subsequent iteration of this programme if this programme application is unsuccessful?

Please note - if there is a high volume of applications for this programme we may do our best to match cohorts together (eg a programme for trainees or a programme for those who share similar goals)

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* 4. In what year were you born? (enter 4-digit birth year; for example, 1986)

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* 5. Do you confirm you are over 18 years, Autistic (self-identified or diagnosed) and working or training as a medical professional?

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* 6. Please describe your current career status (eg I am in 2nd yr training placement / I am on leave due to XXX / I am at mid-career working in X setting) 

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* 7. Do you have any access needs? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. How familiar are you with the Neurodiversity Movement and the Neurodiversity Paradigm?

Not at all familiar Somewhat familiar Advanced knowledge
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 9. What are your main priorities that you would like to be addressed in this programme?

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* 10. Choose as many or as few of the topics that interest you below:

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* 11. Express your preferences for experiential activities

  most preferred neutral least preferred I would not do this
Role Play
Creative Writing
Visual Art
The following series of questions are a safety check on your wellbeing. This group programme is not suitable for those at risk. If you are in danger of harm please tell someone and see your GP.

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* 12. I am not currently misusing drugs or alcohol

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* 13. I am not actively suicidal

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* 14. I am not at risk of harm to myself or others

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* 15. I understand that if a risk is disclosed during any of the workshops, then the facilitator is obliged to break confidentiality and seek support for me.

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* 16. Who should we contact in case of concern for your safety?

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* 17. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

100% of survey complete.