SABA Board Overview

The South Asian Bar Association of Southern California (SABA-SC) is looking forward to an exciting and productive year. We are currently looking for motivated individuals who want to be part of the SABA-SC Board for a one-year commitment that runs from March 2020 - March 2021. 

Members of the Board work to support SABA-SC’s efforts that include implementing and coordinating programs to promote and advance the goals of the South Asian legal and non-legal communities, mentoring other lawyers and law school students, engaging in community service, and being a voice for the South Asian communities. Board members range widely in their practices and years of experience. No matter what year or practice you are in, so long as you are energetic and would like to be meaningfully involved in SABA-SC, we would like to hear from you.

Important Dates and Information

The 2020-2021 Board will be installed at the next SABA-SC and Public Interest Foundation Banquet on a date to be determined in early March 2020.  In addition, the Board Retreat will be held in April 2020 (date and location to follow).

As always, we encourage Orange County residents to apply.  We have a significant group of members in the OC area and have held several successful events in the OC area over the years.  

Instructions to Apply

To apply for the Board, please submit your resume and fill out the form below. Board positions will be filled on a rolling basis, so send in your materials as soon as possible!


If you have any questions about SABA-SC or the Board positions, please email our incoming Co-Presidents:
Vandana Kapur ( or Gopi Panchapakesan (

Question Title

* 1. What is your first name?

Question Title

* 2. What is your last name?

Question Title

* 3. Please upload your bio or resume.

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate your level of interest in each of the following positions. 

  Extremely Interested Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested N/A
President-elect (Executive Board)
Treasurer (Executive Board)
Secretary (Executive Board)
Publicity & Membership

The Publicity & Membership director(s) will be responsible for SABA-SC's external communications, including the monthly newsletter, social media posts, e-mails to members, and the website, and assisting with such external communications relative to any SABA-SC event. The Publicity director(s) will work with a third party administrator hired by SABA-SC to implement SABA-SC communications, and manage SABA-SC's membership.  The Membership director will help develop a program for recruiting and retaining members.
Events (LA and Orange County)

The Events director(s) will be responsible for planning and coordinating all SABA-SC events, including CLE programs, mixers and meet-and-greets for the association, not including our Annual Mentorship Reception. The Events director(s) will also be responsible for partnering with the Community Engagement director(s) on co-sponsoring events with other bar associations.
Events - Annual Mentorship Reception Chair

This Events director will be our "Annual Mentorship Reception Chair". As such, he/she will be primarily responsible for planning and coordinating our Annual Mentorship Reception, held sometime in September through November (in coordination with the Mentorship director). His/her other tasks will be assisting the other Events Director(s) with planning and coordinating all other SABA-SC events.
Community Engagement

The Community Engagement director(s) will be responsible for serving as the SABA-SC representative for SABA North America and local affinity bar associations, coordinating SABA-SC's Day of Service, planning other community outreach and engagement focused programs, and drafting community related press releases.
Community Engagement - Mentorship Program Chair

This Community Engagement director will be responsible for overseeing SABA-SC's mentorship program (with assistance from the Law School director(s)) and planning the Annual Mentorship Reception (with assistance from the Events director designated as the Annual Mentorship Chair).
Judicial Evaluations

The Judicial Evaluations director(s) will chair judicial evaluations committees formed to consider requests for SABA-SC endorsement by candidates for judicial office, and prepare endorsement letters for endorsees.  The director(s) will lead committee work in reviewing the applicant's materials, the responses to confidential comment forms, and interviewing the candidate.
Law Schools

The Law School director(s) are typically law students in their second or third year of law school who foster SABA-SC's relationships with law schools and law students.  The Law School director(s) will also work closely with the Community Engagement director(s) on community initiatives, including SABA-SC's mentorship program.

Question Title

* 5. Please provide a brief description of why you are interested in joining the board.  Please also note if you have previously served on the board (and if so, the position(s) you held and your years of service)