Join the Philadelphia Continuum of Care (CoC) and help to transform Philadelphia’s homeless assistance system! All RtH community members are eligible to:
  • Vote in elections for the CoC Board, which will oversee the strategic plan implementation;
  • Nominate or be nominated as representatives for elected Board seats (people with lived experience, homeless service provider, at-large Board representative);
  • Participate in CoC committees and ad hoc implementation workgroups;
  • Attend community meetings about the status of work on our strategic plan priorities.

Question Title

* 1. Community Member Info

CoC membership is open to any individual interested in supporting the Philadelphia Continuum of Care.

NOTE: You can click the green "Submit" button below to submit your membership form with or without checking any of the following boxes. Checking will help us get to know our membership and where we might best plug you into the work, as well as track our efforts to be as inclusive as possible. (It will also support our yearly application to secure millions of dollars in grants from the Federal government.)

Question Title

* 2. Primary connection to this work:

Question Title

* 3. Primary area of interest in implementation:

Question Title

* 4. Would you be interested in joining one of our Philadelphia CoC committees? These committees are workgroups that commit to using the CoC's strategic plan to drive change in our policies, procedures, and programming.

If you select a committee below, we will be in touch with more information about requirements/expectations, scheduling, and to answer any questions you may have!