"The Opus Dictum" Beta Readers Survey

1.Did the story hold your interest from the very beginning? If not, why not?
2.Could you relate to the main characters? Did you feel her/his pain or excitement?
3.Did the setting interest you and did the descriptions seem vivid and real to you?
4.Was there a point at which you felt the story lagged or you became less than excited about finding out what was going to happen next? Where, exactly?
5.Were there any parts that confused you? Or even frustrated or annoyed you? Which parts, and why?
6.Did you notice any discrepancies or inconsistencies in time sequences, places, character details, or other details?
7.Did you get confused about who’s who in the characters? Were there too many characters to keep track of? Too few? Are any of the names of characters too similar?
8.Did the dialogue keep your interest and sound natural to you? If not, whose dialogue did you think sounded artificial or not like that person would speak?
9.Did you feel there was too much description or exposition? Not enough? Maybe too much dialogue in parts?
10.Was there enough conflict, tension, and intrigue to keep your interest? Was the ending satisfying? Believable? Why or why not?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered