ESSER III Stakeholder Survey-TeSA

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) will provide approximately $177,873 to Texas School of Arts over the next three years. In order to access the funds, TeSA must submit a plan for use of the funds to the Texas Education Agency with our grant application.

The Texas School of the Arts is seeking input from stakeholders as we develop our plan. Your feedback and input are incredibly valuable and will help inform our plan.

Responses to this survey will be reviewed for inclusion into TeSA’s ESSER III plan.
1.I am completing this survey as (please select all that apply):
2.Select the areas below that you believe should be top priorities as TeSA responds to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please select all that apply.
3.A minimum of 20% of ESSER III funding is required to be used to address academic learning loss. Which areas do you believe will best address our needs? Please select all that apply.
4.In addition to addressing academic learning loss, which areas do you believe will best address our students' needs as we return to 100% in-person instruction? Please select all that apply.
5.Please provide any additional suggestions that you may have for TeSA as we plan for ESSER III funding to be allocated in the best interest of assisting our students and staff with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered