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Expression of Interest in DBT Canberra's Skills program

Welcome to the DBT Canberra expressions of interest questionnaire. Please note: filling in this form does not guarantee you will be offered a place in the program but it does give us important information about who you are and your suitability to participate. PLEASE NOTE OUR PROGRAM IS FOR ADULTS so you must be over 18yrs old to apply. Please fill in as many fields as honestly as possible so we can accurately get to know you. It is best if you fill in the form for yourself. Please let us know if the form is filled on behalf of another person.

Prior to commencement in the DBT program, potential clients will need to move through the following pre-commitment phases:

Step 1. Fill in this questionnaire to provide your information

Step 2. If a space becomes available you may be contacted by a member of the team for a chat and to set up an assessment.

Step 3. The assessment will be conducted over the phone or person and you will then be considered for the next available space.

Step 4. Clients who are suited to the program meet their individual therapist who will help them understand the DBT program and ensure the client is prepared for the work ahead. This stage involves addressing any barriers that would make undertaking the program unworkable and involves a minimum of four sessions.

Step 5. Clients (in collaboration with their therapist) then decide whether to commit to the program for the 32 weeks.

We have seen DBT assist countless people to make healthy and significant changes in their lives and we are excited about the possibility of working with you!

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* 1. Contact Information:

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* 3. Which of the following options most closely aligns with your gender?

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* 4. Emergency Contact

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* 5. Date of Birth


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* 7. How did you find out about DBT: (referred by GP or psychiatrist?) (Also: what do you know about DBT?)

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* 8. Do you understand that you will be required to fully participate in this intensive form of therapy for at least 32 weeks? Including attending weekly group skills training, weekly individual therapy, phone coaching and completing homework tasks and that you will need to cease seeing your current therapist? 

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* 9. What are you hoping to get out or DBT? (presenting problems, expectations and general goals)

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* 10. What previous treatment have you had, and what was your experience?

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* 11. Are you currently seeing someone for therapy or counselling?

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* 12. If yes, are you willing to give up that therapist for the duration of the program?

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* 13. Diagnosis/ Problem Behaviours: Have you been given a mental health diagnosis?

If yes, what:

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* 14. Have you ever received treatment for Para-suicidal acts/ suicide attempts:

(Please list types of self harm engaged in and approximate number of episodes in the last 12 months and severity (including emergency, Hospital admission)

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* 15. Do you or have you ever experienced:

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* 16. How have these behaviours affected your life? What have been the costs?

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* 17. When was your last hospital admission? Was it voluntary or not?

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* 18. How is your life currently structured? – school, work etc?

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* 19. What are your current living arrangements? (living with parents or partner, supportive environment or invalidating, or traumatic?)

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* 20. Currently what are your supports? ( Services, therapy, family, friends)

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* 22. Given the costs of comprehensive treatment will you be able to afford to pay:

Skills group: $2300 + for 6 months and the fees of your individual therapist negotiated with them (between $160 - $260 per hour for approximately 32 Weeks)

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* 26. Do you understand that it will be challenging at times, and are you still able to give your best?

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* 27. Are there any barriers to doing DBT you can think of?

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* 28. Is there anything else we should know about you? 

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* 29. Did you fill out this form on behalf of another person? If so please state why?

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