Question Title

* 1.

What day did you take the CMFS exam on?


Question Title

* 2.

Are you a STLE member?

Question Title

* 3.

What is your primary job function?

Question Title

* 4.

Number of years involved in your industry/profession:

Question Title

* 5.

The following subjects were appropriate on the exam:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
MWF Operation, MW Removal & Forming Fluids: Theory and Applications
MRF/MFF Chemistry
MRF/MFF Condition Monitoring, Fluid Condition Management & Central & Stand-Alone Systems: Function and Design
Plant Conditions causing MWF Failure and Plant Conditions/Operations Affecting Performance
Enclosures, Ventilation, Health & Safety
Waste Treatment
Case Studies

Question Title

* 6.

How many subjects were covered on the exam?

Question Title

* 7.

Please list 3 subjects from the exam, starting with the most important, that are the most relevant to your job function:

Question Title

* 8.

The questions were easy to understand.

Question Title

* 9.

The format and style of the questions were acceptable.

Question Title

* 10.

The questions were written at the correct technical level for a basic exam.

Question Title

* 11.

There was enough time to complete the exam and check my answers:

Question Title

* 12.

What was your motivation for taking the CMFS exam?

Question Title

* 13.

My work experience helped me answer the questions on the exam.

Question Title

* 14.

Educational courses and seminars helped to prepare for the exam.

Question Title

* 15.

Textbooks, magazines, literature, etc. for the subjects on the exam are readily available.

Question Title

* 16.

Recommended literature for the subjects on the exam through the Suggested Reading Material/Body of Knowledge was helpful.

Question Title

* 17.

What courses or seminars would you recommend to help prepare for this exam?

Question Title

* 18.

Please feel free to share any other thoughts you may have regarding the CMFS examination.