Awards Overview
1. Business Partner (Company) of The Year: Nominations for this award can be from any Chapter member outside of the business itself. This BP Company has provided outstanding service to the industry and contributed to the Chapter in a superior way.

2. Business Partner (Individual) of The Year: Nominations for this award can be from any Chapter member outside of the business itself. This BP member has provided outstanding service to the industry and contributed to the Chapter in a superior way.

3. Committee Chair of The year: This Award is presented to a WSCAI committee chair for going above and beyond the call of duty for their committee and the chapter. Award is selected by the chapter board and staff.

4. Community Manager of The Year: Nominations for this award can come from a peer, association client, or business partner. This award is for a CAI member manager with professional certification(s) with 4 or more years of community management experience who demonstrates excellence in community management and outstanding contributions to the chapter.

5. Community or Homeowner of The Year: Nominations for this award may come from any member type recognizing outstanding community achievements. The community or homeowner must be a CAI member.

6. Legislative Advocate of The Year: This award is presented to a member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in assisting with the legislative priorities of the chapter.

7. Lifetime Achievement Award: WSCAI presented the first ever Lifetime Achievement award at the 2023 Awards Gala. This award is presented by the WSCAI board. Nominations must be submitted directly to a WSCAI board member for consideration. Award is not presented annually and only at the discretion of the WSCAI Board of Directors.

8. Journal Contributor of the Year: Award presented to the individual who goes above and beyond the call of duty for the WSCAI journal by submitting articles, editing, or providing other volunteerism for the journal. Nominations, including self-nominations can be submitted by any member.

9. Management Company of The Year: Nominations for this award may come from any chapter member outside of the management company itself. The Management Company of the Year provides extraordinary service and contributes to the Chapter in an outstanding way.

10. Presenter of The Year: This award is presented to the individual or group of individuals who have presented more than once during a calendar year, received positive reviews, and demonstrated professional competencies within industry subject matter. Nominations can be made by any chapter member, including self nomination.

11. President's Award: The President's Award is presented by the WSCAI Board President at their discretion to the individual who has assisted and aided the chapter and president during the calendar year. This award has no nominations and is selected solely by the WSCAI Board President.

12. Rising Star of The Year: This nomination may come from any Chapter member to celebrate manager members who have been in the industry 0-4 years. The Rising Star will have at least one CAI or CAM-ICB designation, participate in Chapter Events, and volunteer on at least one committee.

13. Volunteer of The Year: Nominations for this award would be for an individual Chapter member and may be made by any Chapter member pointing out exceptional contributions to the Chapter through volunteerism.
After reviewing, please click "next" to select which award you'd like to submit a nomination.