1. Win a PicoBrew Pico, the $800 Automatic Homebrewing Machine

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Paste is teaming up with PicoBrew to give away a homebrewer's dream come true--a fully loaded Pico automatic homebrewing system, with a retail value of $800. The machine, which initially received funding through a massively successful, $1.4 million Kickstarter campaign, is designed to streamline the brewing process to make production of 5 liters of beer as simple as it can possibly be. Brewing on the system is as simple as dumping in ingredients and pressing a button, while monitoring the process from your computer or phone.

PicoBrew summarizes the Pico's features in three streamlined bullet points:

Brew your favorite beers from more than 100 award-winning craft breweries around the world, including prominent breweries such as Rogue, Abita and 21st Amendment.
No beer is fresher than the one you just brewed. Pico delivers consistent, brewmaster quality beer on professional-grade equipment.
Make perfect craft beer every time with the push of a button. Biodegradable PicoPaks pre-package all the ingredients you need, making brewing and cleanup easy.

This is a hell of a prize for one lucky homebrewer, and the perfect item for someone who's never dipped a toe into homebrewing before.

WINNER WILL RECEIVE: (1) PicoBrew Pico homebrewing appliance, complete with all accessories and (1) PicoPak to get started brewing.

Contest will last until Friday (11/11/16). Winners will be restricted to U.S. and Canada. All entrants will be automatically signed up to receive the Pico and Paste newsletters/updates. Must be 21 or older to enter.