Q: How do you manage sustainable projects?

1.State the industry of the company for which you work(Required.)
2.Indicate the location of the company where you work(Required.)
3.Indicate your position within the company(Required.)
4.In the last 5 years, how much has your company invested in sustainability from an economic point of view?(Required.)
5.Which of the following strategic initiatives is your company working on/has worked on in recent years, in order to become more sustainable? (select all that apply)(Required.)
6.What is/what are the impacts the company has seen in implementing sustainable initiatives/projects? (select all that apply)(Required.)
7.Within your company, what is the organizational structure regarding sustainability?(Required.)
8.What were the main difficulties and barriers your company faced in implementing sustainable projects? (select all that apply)(Required.)
9.Beyond the company context and what the company is doing/has done, what importance do you attach to sustainability within the company? Select a value between 1 (Not important) and 4 (Very important)(Required.)
10.In addition to the information provided, are there any other elements you consider useful and/or clarifications you would like to provide?