Somerset Education | Evaluation of Financial Survey for Schools (FSS)

Thank you for participating in the annual Somerset Education Financial Survey for Schools (FSS).
For continual improvement, we would appreciate your feedback and ratings.
1.Did your school participate in the survey this year?
2.Your name
3.Your email
4.Your contact number
5.Your school
6.Your position/title
7.The report was useful and helped management and the board better understand and manage financial risk?
8.The report format is easy to read?
9.How do you rank the on-line school portal and reporting?
10.How would you rate the survey's value for money?
11.Overall satisfaction
12.Would you recommend participation to other Schools?             
13.Will your school use benchmarking on an ongoing basis?
14.From a financial governance and operational perspective what are your top two or three concerns/challenges (what keeps you awake at night)?
15.Can you suggest any improvements to the survey and reporting features?
16.Do you use the complimentary GeoMapping and Culture Tracking tools on the School Portal?
17.What other reports, training or tools can we provide to help you and your board's decision making process?
18.We appreciate any comments on the report that could be used as testimonials.
19.I consent to my comments being used in public statements.
20.What social media platforms do you predominantly use?
Somerset Education is dedicated to the financial viability and sustainability of non-government schools. We value Integrity, Simplicity, and Professionalism. Working with schools—of all sizes and of different educational philosophies—for almost 30 years, Somerset Education understands the balance of education and financial sustainability.

Postal address: Somerset Education, GPO Box 3273, Brisbane QLD 4001, Australia.

As a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand the firm participates in a national liability capping Scheme. Accordingly, our liability is limited by a scheme approved under professional standards.