Covid Impact Survey: Digital Access to Galleries and Museums

This survey is exploring the impacts of the changes to digital access to galleries and museums since the start of the Covid – 19 pandemic.

This survey will be anonymous. You will be asked to share your identifying gender, age range and , location. This is to map who is being impacted the most and what areas are effected.

This survey is self-led by Amanda Lynch, visual artist and researcher, Amanda is based in Somerset, UK.

The survey will form a research paper in 2025, 5 years on from the Covid – 19 pandemic, and will ask around your current interactions with online opportunities as well as asking you to reflect on your experiences and memories of online events and exhibitions over the past few years.

You may want to take some time to consider this before you start the survey.
1.Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic 2020, have you viewed art exhibitions/talks via galleries online?
2.Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic (2020) have you viewed or experienced more art exhibitions or talks online than you have done before?
3.Has viewing exhibitions or talks online been beneficial for you as an artist/creative?
4.Please tell us how many ONLINE exhibitions/talks you have attended, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic ?
5.Since the reopening of venues, galleries, museums how many have you visited IN PERSON?
6.If you do visit in person, would you like an online experience to be offered as well?
7.How important has online access to view exhibitions/ talks online been to you as an artist since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic?
8.Has access to online exhibitions/talks been a benefit to your mental health?
9.Have you noticed a decline in your ability to access online content from galleries and museums since the REOPENING of venues?
10.If you have noticed a decline in accessible online content online how has this affected you as an artist/creative?
11.If you have noticed a decline in accessible online content, please tell us how has this affected your mental health?
12.Has the cost of living crisis impacted your ability to attend events?
13.If an online experience was offered at a lower cost would you be willing to pay for this?
14.Does your location and transport links impact on what galleries/museums you are able to visit in person?
15.Since the reopening of venues, how comfortable are you in visiting a gallery/museum in person?
16.Over the past year how many galleries/museums have you visited in person?
17.Over the past year how many online galleries/talks/workshops have you visited?
18.What is your age ?
19.Where are you based? Please prove the first 3 characters of your postcode
20.Which of the following best describes your gender identity?