
Thank you for participating in the CIP Execution Country Assessment Checklist. Throughout this survey, once the “next” screen is selected, respondents cannot go back and view their scores.  Furthermore, aggregate country scores will not be readily accessible. Therefore, it is recommended that once you complete each key element section, you should manually record the mean key element scores displayed at the end of each key element section; once the survey is complete, the mean cumulative survey score displayed at the end of the survey should also be recorded. If you are one of multiple people completing the survey for one country, immediately after you complete the survey, you should also enter the recorded mean key element and cumulative survey scores in the "Aggregate Scores Workbook." Individual survey scores will be emailed to the respondents' email address provided at the beginning of this survey. 

Responses to all questions are mandatory. If a respondent/respondent group does not know the answer to a question, select "Don't Know." If the question does not apply, select "N/A." 

Question Title

* Name (First, Last)

Question Title

* Organization and Department

Question Title

* Professional Title/position

Question Title

* Email address to send results to