Report Wildlife Sightings Within Lethbridge This is part of the Backyard Wilderness project, concerned with urban biodiversity and attitudes towards urban wildlife within Lethbridge, Alberta. OK Question Title * 1. Where did your sighting occur? In your yard. In your neighbourhood. Elsewhere within city limits. Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. In what section of the city did your sighting occur? West Lethbridge. North Lethbridge. South Lethbridge. Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. Please provide the nearest postal code or cross streets if known. OK Question Title * 4. When did you see this animal? Please provide date, or approximate date, and time, or approximate time: OK Question Title * 5. What type of animal did you see? Deer Skunk Raccoon Coyote Porcupine Rabbit/Bunny Jack Rabbit/Hare Magpie Grackle Crow Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. Was the animal alive and presumed healthy, visibly sick, injured, or deceased? Alive and presumed healthy. Visibly sick. Injured. Deceased. More details (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. Did you enjoy this sighting/encounter? Enjoyed it. Felt neutral about it. Had mixed feelings about it. Felt annoyed or bothered by it. Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. How do you feel about wildlife within city limits? Very Positive Positive Neutral Negative Very Negative Other (please specify) OK DONE