MyAGSOnline 5 question survey 2017 Question Title * 1. How likely is it that you would recommend MyAGSOnline to a friend or colleague? Not at all likely Extremely likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 2. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following features: Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Disatisfied N/A, I haven't used this Site Navigability/Ease of Use Site Navigability/Ease of Use Extremely Satisfied Site Navigability/Ease of Use Satisfied Site Navigability/Ease of Use Somewhat Satisfied Site Navigability/Ease of Use Disatisfied Site Navigability/Ease of Use N/A, I haven't used this Visual Appeal Visual Appeal Extremely Satisfied Visual Appeal Satisfied Visual Appeal Somewhat Satisfied Visual Appeal Disatisfied Visual Appeal N/A, I haven't used this Tutorials & FAQs Tutorials & FAQs Extremely Satisfied Tutorials & FAQs Satisfied Tutorials & FAQs Somewhat Satisfied Tutorials & FAQs Disatisfied Tutorials & FAQs N/A, I haven't used this Member Directory Member Directory Extremely Satisfied Member Directory Satisfied Member Directory Somewhat Satisfied Member Directory Disatisfied Member Directory N/A, I haven't used this Email Digest Email Digest Extremely Satisfied Email Digest Satisfied Email Digest Somewhat Satisfied Email Digest Disatisfied Email Digest N/A, I haven't used this Resource Library Resource Library Extremely Satisfied Resource Library Satisfied Resource Library Somewhat Satisfied Resource Library Disatisfied Resource Library N/A, I haven't used this Personal Profile Personal Profile Extremely Satisfied Personal Profile Satisfied Personal Profile Somewhat Satisfied Personal Profile Disatisfied Personal Profile N/A, I haven't used this AGS Member Forum Discussion AGS Member Forum Discussion Extremely Satisfied AGS Member Forum Discussion Satisfied AGS Member Forum Discussion Somewhat Satisfied AGS Member Forum Discussion Disatisfied AGS Member Forum Discussion N/A, I haven't used this Variety of Community Topics Variety of Community Topics Extremely Satisfied Variety of Community Topics Satisfied Variety of Community Topics Somewhat Satisfied Variety of Community Topics Disatisfied Variety of Community Topics N/A, I haven't used this Comments: Question Title * 3. Thinking about the future- Please rate your level of interest in the following additional features: Extremely interested Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested Unsure, need to learn more. Volunteer Module- learn about opportunities to engage and volunteer with AGS Volunteer Module- learn about opportunities to engage and volunteer with AGS Extremely interested Volunteer Module- learn about opportunities to engage and volunteer with AGS Interested Volunteer Module- learn about opportunities to engage and volunteer with AGS Somewhat Interested Volunteer Module- learn about opportunities to engage and volunteer with AGS Not Interested Volunteer Module- learn about opportunities to engage and volunteer with AGS Unsure, need to learn more. Mentoring Module- become a mentor or mentee Mentoring Module- become a mentor or mentee Extremely interested Mentoring Module- become a mentor or mentee Interested Mentoring Module- become a mentor or mentee Somewhat Interested Mentoring Module- become a mentor or mentee Not Interested Mentoring Module- become a mentor or mentee Unsure, need to learn more. Consolidated Digest- have the option to combine discussions from multiple communities into a single email digest Consolidated Digest- have the option to combine discussions from multiple communities into a single email digest Extremely interested Consolidated Digest- have the option to combine discussions from multiple communities into a single email digest Interested Consolidated Digest- have the option to combine discussions from multiple communities into a single email digest Somewhat Interested Consolidated Digest- have the option to combine discussions from multiple communities into a single email digest Not Interested Consolidated Digest- have the option to combine discussions from multiple communities into a single email digest Unsure, need to learn more. Personalized Recommendations- receive recommendations for content and connections customized to your interests Personalized Recommendations- receive recommendations for content and connections customized to your interests Extremely interested Personalized Recommendations- receive recommendations for content and connections customized to your interests Interested Personalized Recommendations- receive recommendations for content and connections customized to your interests Somewhat Interested Personalized Recommendations- receive recommendations for content and connections customized to your interests Not Interested Personalized Recommendations- receive recommendations for content and connections customized to your interests Unsure, need to learn more. Comments/Other Feature Suggestions: Question Title * 4. Please select your level of agreement with the following statements: Enthusiastically Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree N/A, I haven't used it enough to provide feedback. MyAGSOnline is a helpful tool for when I have questions or want advice. MyAGSOnline is a helpful tool for when I have questions or want advice. Enthusiastically Agree MyAGSOnline is a helpful tool for when I have questions or want advice. Agree MyAGSOnline is a helpful tool for when I have questions or want advice. Somewhat Agree MyAGSOnline is a helpful tool for when I have questions or want advice. Disagree MyAGSOnline is a helpful tool for when I have questions or want advice. N/A, I haven't used it enough to provide feedback. MyAGSOnline makes me feel engaged within the AGS community. MyAGSOnline makes me feel engaged within the AGS community. Enthusiastically Agree MyAGSOnline makes me feel engaged within the AGS community. Agree MyAGSOnline makes me feel engaged within the AGS community. Somewhat Agree MyAGSOnline makes me feel engaged within the AGS community. Disagree MyAGSOnline makes me feel engaged within the AGS community. N/A, I haven't used it enough to provide feedback. MyAGSOnline is an active community. MyAGSOnline is an active community. Enthusiastically Agree MyAGSOnline is an active community. Agree MyAGSOnline is an active community. Somewhat Agree MyAGSOnline is an active community. Disagree MyAGSOnline is an active community. N/A, I haven't used it enough to provide feedback. MyAGSOnline has increased the value of my membership. MyAGSOnline has increased the value of my membership. Enthusiastically Agree MyAGSOnline has increased the value of my membership. Agree MyAGSOnline has increased the value of my membership. Somewhat Agree MyAGSOnline has increased the value of my membership. Disagree MyAGSOnline has increased the value of my membership. N/A, I haven't used it enough to provide feedback. Comments: Question Title * 5. Please provide feedback/suggestions or let us know if you have a question (if you have a question please leave your email): Done