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* 1. As you look to replace equipment, what are your main considerations?

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* 2. In the past, when choosing replacement equipment, have you historically considered something more energy efficient?

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* 5. What concerns do/would you have when weighing whether to replace a fossil fuel driven piece of equipment or process with an electric alternative?

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* 6. How long of a payback period is too long for your organization when examining replacement equipment options?

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* 7. Is outside support to assist in identifying energy efficiency & GHG emission reduction projects (specifically related to your production process) needed or do you feel that your organization can/does have the capacity to comprehensively identify such opportunities internally?

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* 8. Building off of question seven, if at least 50% cost coverage were provided, would your organization take advantage of an opportunity to have a technical service provider examine ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at your facility through a technical assessment of your equipment and process (i.e. an energy and emission audit offering)?