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The Oak Park Department of Public Health is looking to support local businesses in ensuring their employees are up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccinations. The Health Department is seeking feedback from local business operators about possible strategies to increase vaccine uptake, including special COVID-19 vaccine and testing clinics for individuals who work in Oak Park.

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* 1. What type of business do you own/operate?

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* 2. In what business district is your business located?

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* 3. Number of employees

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* 4. Estimated number of employees who need a booster shot

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* 5. Estimated number of employees who need to complete their primary vaccine series by receiving a first or second dose

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* 6. How likely is it that your employees would participate in targeted COVID-19 vaccine and testing clinics hosted by the Oak Park Department of Public Health?

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* 7. When would be the best time for your employees to attend COVID-19 vaccine and testing clinics in business districts held specifically for employees of Oak Park businesses?

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* 8. What other support could you use from the Health Department to help employees get vaccinated/ protect themselves from COVID-19?

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* 9. If you'd like to receive information about upcoming COVID-19 vaccine and testing clinics targeted to employees of Oak Park businesses, please provide an email address where notifications should be sent.

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