Pre-screener to be considered

SIS Research is conducting a compensated Zoom interview about Fleet Management.
We are providing a €200 compensation if you qualify, are selected, and successfully complete an approximately 45-minute Zoom online video interview.
We are interested in general opinions and attitudes about Fleet Management. This conversation is confidential and for research purposes only.
If you are interested, we would first like to see if this interview is a fit.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information

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* 2. What industry do you work in? Select all that apply.

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* 3. What is your job title/role within the company?

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* 4. Please write in 4-6 sentences in detail your day-to-day responsibilities in your current position:

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* 5. Does your business operate motor vehicles?

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* 6. Do you have any responsibility or influencing role in the vehicle's fleet management / daily operations? i.e. are you the one that takes the decisions concerning the tires for the vehicles.

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* 7. How many vehicles does your company own or lease?

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* 8. Which of these types of vehicles are operated by your business? Select all that apply.

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* 9. How many vehicles does your business operate for each of the following vehicle types? Please consider both owned and leased vehicles in your answer.

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* 10. Which type of material do you mainly transport? Select all that apply.

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* 11. Which, if any, of the following statements apply to your business?

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* 12. What are the brands of tire that fit your fleet of vehicles? Select all that apply.

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* 13. Do you have an in-house workshop for the maintenance of your vehicles?

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* 14. Who is influencing or responsible for making purchasing decisions for the following products and services within your business?

  I am solely responsible I have joint responsibility I can influence Someone else makes the decision Not applicable
Fleet (vehicle) maintenance
Fleet (vehicle) management
Fuel purchasing
Managing the transition to Electric Vehicles
Parking services
Vehicle purchasing
Financing (credit cards, fuel cards etc)
Fuel/Fleet  Decarbonisation

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* 15. Do you have any tyre / tyre service contract:

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* 16. Please describe in 4-6 sentences the decision-making process for the maintenance of your fleet regarding purchasing new tires or vehicle parts.

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* 17. Please indicate the periodicity for each of the following operation methods below:

  More than once a day Daily  Few times in a week Few times in a month  Not applicable
Severe op conditions (construction, waste)
Short haul
Long Haul
Special transportation (hazardous transport)

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* 18. This research involves an approximately 50-minute online video interview. The study is confidential and for research purposes only; no sensitive questions will be asked. Do you agree to participate on this basis?