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Feedback Form

Thank you for giving us feedback on your experience with the DAHLIA Affordable Housing Portal! We can’t make the site the best it can be without your input. All questions are optional, and will in no way affect your chances for housing placement.

Question Title

* 1. Please select the option that best describes you:

Please indicate your agreement with the following on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

Question Title

* 2. The Housing Portal was easy to find.

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* 3. The Housing Portal is easy to use (I understood the terms and it’s clear what to do each step of the way).

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* 4. I found what I was looking for (such as listings and additional resources).

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* 5. I would recommend the Housing Portal to a friend or family member.

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* 6. Any other suggested improvements or feedback?

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* 7. If you'd like to be contacted for user testing for additional site development, please provide your email address:

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