Welcome to the 4 minute Growth in 2020-21 Survey

All answers are strictly confidential. However, we will share the aggregate results with all respondents. Thank you for your friendship and connection.
Questions? reach us at partners@alphavp.com.

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* 1. In May 2021, what is the level of S&P 500 (SPX)? Today 4/15, it is near 2800, about 50% up from the March 23 low. (a number between 1 and 9999 please)

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* 2. Will your firm and your management teams buy or sell more secondaries in 2020-22?

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* 3. Among venture backed companies, which growth stage horizontals will lead the recovery? (check all that apply and/or write in your growth sector picks)

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* 4. Can you share one or more portfolio companies that are responding to the Covid-19 crisis in either a socially positive or a profitable way?
(For example, we’ll share examples from DoctorOnDemand, GoPuff (delivering essentials to health teams), and Gecko Robotics (producing ventilator junctions).

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* 5. Name up to 3 companies in your portfolio that have the best growth prospects within 3 years, even with recession.

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* 6. Thinking over the past 2 years, which private company did you pass on, that you regret not now having in your portfolio?

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* 7. Optional: Among venture backed companies, which verticals will lead the recovery? (check all that apply and/or write in your growth sectors picks)

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* 8. Optional: Where do you see private venture valuations going over the next 12 months?

  Flat Higher Lower
Growth: Late Stage
Early: Series A
Growth: Series B-C
Early: Seed

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* 9. Optional: All responses will be anonymous by default. But, if you’d like to share your views let us know. If so, we will be in touch to assure you’re comfortable with the content.