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Leaders in companies spend time, energy, and money implementing their strategies with varying degrees of success. This survey is designed to discover the challenges leaders face in implementing strategy, the success they have, what it takes to succeed, global trends in the field, and the lessons we can learn.
This 10 minute survey will allow us to understand leaders’ current thoughts and actions on strategy implementation. The data will be used for a paper by the co-founders of the Strategy Implementation Institute and as research for a new book.
In appreciation for completing this survey, we would like to send you a copy of the results. Simply include your email address in the last question.
Thank you in advance for your responses and time.

Question Title

* 1. What strategic actions are you currently undertaking or have taken within the last three years”

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* 2. Do you believe your organization is good at crafting strategy?

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* 3. Do you believe your organization is good at implementing strategy?

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* 4. Do you have an effective measurement system in place for tracking the strategy implementation?

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* 5. How does your organization measure its strategy implementation?

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* 6. What percentage of strategy implementation efforts achieve their intended objectives within their specified time in your organization?

0% 100%

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* 7. How much time do leaders in your organization spend discussing strategy each month, as compared to operations and day-to-day challenges?

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* 8. Which is truly perceived as more important in your organization?

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* 9. How good is your organization at implementing strategy?

0 Appalling Neutral 100  Excellent

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* 10. Leaders in our organization have the skills and knowledge to implement strategy successfully.

0% Disagree Neutral 100% Agree

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* 11. What percentage of your business model has changed in the last two years?

0% 100%

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* 12. Does your immediate leader recognize you for your implementation efforts?

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* 13. Please rank the top five reasons implementation fails, with number 1 being the most important reason.

  1. Lack of leadership
  2. Unclear on implementation actions to take
  3. Poor communication
  4. Use of wrong measures to track the strategy
  5. Poor recognition of employees participating in the implementation
  6. Lack of leadership engagement throughout the implementation journey
  7. Lack of available resources such as budget or people
  8. Poor alignment across the organization

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* 14. What is the reason you ranked your top answer in question 13?

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* 15. What is the top reason digital transformation fails?

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* 16. How often does the leadership review the strategy implementation for the whole organization?

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* 17. Do you believe that your organization’s culture drives the way it implements strategy?

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* 18. What aspects of implementing strategy does your organization do effectively?

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* 19. What is the top reason strategy implementation succeeds?

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* 20. How many people are in your organization?

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* 21. Which industry sector best describes your organization?

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* 22. What category best describes your organization?

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* 24. What is the annual revenue of your organization? (Optional)

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* 25. Please let us know your email to receive a copy of the results paper.

0 of 25 answered