This survey is targeted at freelancers and digital agencies who sell Silverstripe CMS implementations. It will help the product team at Silverstripe. to focus efforts in facilitating upgrades to Silverstripe CMS 4.

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* 2. What sectors are your customers in?

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* 3. How many developers are working on Silverstripe CMS projects in your organisation?

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* 4. How many of your customers have you discussed upgrades with?

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* 5. How many of your customers have you quoted upgrades for?

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* 6. How many of your customers are preparing or implementing an upgrade project?

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* 7. How many of  your customers have completed an upgrade project?

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* 8. What are the greatest upgrade barriers for your customers?

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* 9. What do your customers consider the main business benefits in upgrading?

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* 10. How can Silverstripe help getting your customers upgraded?

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* 11. Your contact information (optional)

We will only use your contact information in context of this survey (e.g. responding to questions in your comments)