We Want Your Feedback! - Extending PREP hours

Dear  CSRE PREP Teachers, 

Our Real Estate Salesperson and Broker Passing Rates have gone down a point.  We have a problem.  Our student PREP pass rate is our company livelihood.  If our passing percentage continues to decline, we our put on probation.  If potential students see this "probation" we begin to lose business.    

Our plan is to extend our PREP format to 4 days/8 nights.  This is an intensive PREP class and what we believe will drive higher pass rates.

Week Day Time 8:30am - 4:30pm ( 4 Days)
Evening: 6pm - 9:30pm (8 nights)
Morning: 8:30am - 12:30pm (8 mornings)
Weekend:  S/S/S/S (4 Days Sat/Sun/Sat/Sun)

Day 1 and 2 - National Review  (Nights/Mornings  Day 1-4) 
Day 3 - State Review (Night/Mornings  Day 5-6)
Day 4 AM - PREP Mock Exam (Night/Morning Day  7)
Day 4 PM - entire afternoon devoted to question by question review.  (Night/Morning Day 8)

This would be a commitment of additional days - We need you, and we must increase our Pass Rate.

Please answer the questions below.  Rita and I will evaluate responses and hope to roll this out with our new Summer/Fall Schedule

Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Kim and Rita

Question Title

* 1. Are you onboard with the proposed PREP extended hours?

Question Title

* 2. Do you believe this extended format will better prepare our CSRE Student for Success on state exam?

Question Title

* 3. Do you have a concern with this proposed new PREP format?