Survey results will be published and available to everyone.
Bifurcated Appraisal: A bifurcated appraisal is a valuation that is “broken up into two parts” – data collection and analysis. The analysis is completed by a Licensed/Certified appraiser who did not physically inspect the subject property, but instead relies on a third-party inspection by a “Property Data Collector” (Fannie Mae calls it a Property Data Collection).
Property Data Collection (PDC): A property inspection where specific data is collected about the subject property first. Fannie Mae may decide to proceed with a loan based solely on a PDC, or may require a desktop appraisal (1004P) in conjunction with the PDC before approving the loan.
Bifurcated Appraisal: A bifurcated appraisal is a valuation that is “broken up into two parts” – data collection and analysis. The analysis is completed by a Licensed/Certified appraiser who did not physically inspect the subject property, but instead relies on a third-party inspection by a “Property Data Collector” (Fannie Mae calls it a Property Data Collection).
Property Data Collection (PDC): A property inspection where specific data is collected about the subject property first. Fannie Mae may decide to proceed with a loan based solely on a PDC, or may require a desktop appraisal (1004P) in conjunction with the PDC before approving the loan.