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YANDAsoft Survey
YANDAsoft, formerly known as ASKAPSoft, is the software package developed by CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science (CASS) that calibrates, images and analyses the data coming from the ASKAP telescope. YANDAsoft used to be designed and optimised to run exclusively in the dedicated High-Performance Computing (HPC) resource named “Galaxy”, located at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. With funding support from Astronomy Australia Ltd (AAL), YANDASoft can now run on both Pawsey and OzSTAR.
AAL would like to take this opportunity to collate feedback on the YANDAsoft project. Your feedback will not only help AAL to streamline future investment, but also help YANDAsoft to optimise its services.
Please note: this is an anonymous survey and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.